Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Transformers 2

Well if you're here then you've likely seen Transformers 2 and you've also likely read my thoughts on the film in this week's issue of The Grizzly Detail Newspaper. For those of you catching up, let's just say that I was far less than impressed with the film. Like 99% of other respectable film critics I just couldn't stand by and say that it was a good movie. However, my biggest complaint was about the content of the film. With a big increase in the amount of cursing, sexual content, and general vulgarity I was upset with how this film markets itself as a childrens film but is in all actuality a film that has content children normally wouldn't be exposed to.

Those are my views but this post isn't about my views. I want to know what you think of the film and what you think of my take on it. So if you're so inclined I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. And be sure to bookmark this blog as I'll be updating it several times throughout the week with entertainment related content.

A.C. Hall


  1. Yeah, when I went to see it there were a bunch of kids in there and to see the transformers talking the way they were was pretty disappointing. From the amount of sales at the box office I don't see it changing anytime soon.

  2. I agree. As a fan of acting I was appalled at the bad performances in this movie. Horrible writing and horrible acting but big explosions apparently equal box office success. The whole thing makes me sad about where the box office is headed in this country.

    Pete W.

  3. Hey AC, cool blog! My thoughts on Transformers 2 in a nutshell: the stupidest, most offensive, and most incoherent movie I've probably ever seen. It offended me on pretty much every level, and that takes a lot. From the "gangsta" robots to the repulsive objectification of women, and all in a movie based on an innocent children's toy. Seriously, what the hell?

  4. I couldn't agree more with pretty much every comment listed previously. It was horrifying to be sitting there with my child and then see this wonderful children's thing twisted into a terrible lump of trash.

  5. Absolute trash. Market it for adults. Period. Any film that markets toys to promote their film and then fills said film full of trash for the young and old mind alike deserves a big "BOO" from all of us!
